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Field Geology


field Geology

The field geology means Field work, geology as practiced by direct observation of outcrops in their natural environment, exposures, landscapes, and drill cores. Those engaged in field geology investigate rocks and rock materials in their natural environment. Field geologists thus attempt to describe and explain surface features, underground structures, and their interrelationships. Geological field work is important to understand rocks in their natural environment and their natural relationship to one another.


Subsurface Mapping can be defined as a geological map deplicating geological data or features below the Earth’s Surface, especially a plane of mine working, or a structure-contour map of petroleum reservoir. Subsurface mapping can be defined as a geological map duplicating geological data or features below the earth’s surface, especially a plane of mine working, or a structure-contour map of petroleum reservoir. Develop geological, petrophysical and sedimentological maps for use in generating a reservoir model. There are many types of subsurface maps, most of these maps are prepared by contouring or drawing lines at regular intervals representing depth or thickness.


Mineral Exploration

Mineral exploration is the search for materials in the earth’s crust that appear in high enough concentrations and amounts to be extracted and processed for profit. Mineral exploration covers a wide range of objectives and activities that begin with the selection of a target area. The general principle works by extracting pieces of geological information from several places, and extrapolating this over the larger area to develop a geological picture. Exploration works in stages of increasing sophistication, with cheap, cruder methods implemented at the start, and if the resultant information is economically interesting, this warrants the next, more advanced (and expensive) techniques. However, it is very rare to find sufficiently enriched ore bodies, and so most exploration campaigns stop after the first/couple of stages.