
The Best Book Store Gate for the Petroleum and Geoscience Industry Lovers
Geoscience Gate

Geoscience gate


Basic Geology

Geology is the study of planet Earth. Geology is in many ways the most complex of sciences, as a complete understanding of the workings of the earth requires training in mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, and astronomy. The study of the Earth brings mathematics, chemistry and physics alive. It provides the opportunity to test many hypothetical and theoretical principles in the real world as we observe chemical reactions in rocks, minerals, water and atmosphere, and physical reactions in earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions.


field Geology

Working in the field contributes a crucial element to our knowledge and understanding of Earth processes, whether understanding periods of past climate change recorded in sedimentary deposits, deciphering an episode of structural imprint, or working out where to find mineral resources. The course assumes a basic understanding of the main concepts and theory in geology. It assumes that the student is familiar with: the major rock – forming minerals, how to identify minerals in hand specimen, rock classification, geological processes and common geological terms.


Geochemistry is defined as the study of the processes that control the abundance, composition, and distribution of chemical compounds and isotopes in geologic environments. Geochemistry plays an essential role in our understanding of processes that produce economic concentrations of minerals whether by hydrothermal, magmatic, metamorphic, hydraulic (both surficial and subterranean) or weathering agents, or a combination of these. Geochemistry also contributes importantly to exploration. All of these aspects are thoroughly discussed in this volume by acknowledged experts. The objective is to produce a treatise on ore deposits focusing on their geochemistry but also including geological models for a complete understanding of their genesis and guides to their exploration.


Geophysics is the study of the physics of the Earth and its environment in space. One emphasis is the exploration of the Earth’s interior using physical properties measured at or above the Earth’s surface, together with mathematical models to predict those properties. Subdisciplines include seismology, the study of seismic waves; geomagnetism, the study of the magnetic field; and geodesy, the study of the gravitational field and the shape of the Earth’s surface. Seismology provides key evidence for large-scale Earth structure and for the behavior of earthquakes. Mineralogy, and hence density and other physical properties at depth, is deduced from experiments and mathematical modeling in mineral physics. Mathematical models underpinning geophysics also predict the large-scale movements within the Earth (geodynamics).


Historical Geology

Historical geology is the study of changes in Earth and its life forms over time. It includes sub-disciplines such as paleontology, paleoclimatology, and paleoseismology. In addition to providing a scientific basis for understanding the evolution of Earth over time, historical geology provides important information about ancient climate changes, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes that can be used to anticipate the sizes and frequencies of future events. Scientific interpretation of Earth’s history requires an understanding of currently operating geologic processes. According to the doctrine of actualism, most geologic processes operating today are similar to those that operated in the past. The rates at which the processes occur, however, may be different.

related geoscience

Geology is the scientific study of the all constituents of planets, their internal and external forms and processes. More precisely, it is the study of nature, structure and history of the planet. Earth is the home to all life, well known to the humankind. Geology, itself, is a major part of The Earth and atmospheric sciences, which were born as twins. The subject of geology encompasses all aspects including the composition, structure, physical properties, and history of a planets‘(like Earth’s) inter-related components and the processes that are shaping the features on the surface. Geologists are the scientists who study the origin, occurrence, distribution and utilities of all materials (metallic, non-metallic, inorganic, etc), minerals, rocks, sediments, soils, water, oil and all other inorganic natural resources.


Economic Geology
Economic Geology is the study of fuels, metals, and other materials from the earth that are of interest to industry or the economy in general. It is concerned with the distribution of resources, the costs and benefits of their recovery, and the value and availability of existing materials. These materials include ore (rocks or minerals possessing economic value) as well as fossil fuels, which embrace a range of products from petroleum to coal. Rooted in several subdisciplines of the geologic sciences—particularly geophysics, structural geology, and stratigraphyeconomic geology affects daily life in myriad ways.


This blog contains many parts of interest to everything interested in the field of geology, as it contains many studies, research, books and illustrated volumes that help the researcher achieve the dream of the study.